I have over 1900 hours of training that will make me a strong candidate, committed to serve. These training hours have built a strong foundation for me to serve as your next Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Place 2. I bring a distinguished and comprehensive background that will help approach cases with fairness, wisdom, and an understanding of both the law, and the people it affects.
Some of my applicable trainings are:
Completed 10/24/2001 University of Houston - Downtown LEA Basic Peace Officer
Peace Officer License
Basic Peace Officer Certificate
Intermediate Peace Officer Certificate
Advanced Peace Officer Certificate
Basic Instructor Proficiency Certificate
Master Peace Officer Certificate
Law Enforcement and the Elderly
Ballistic Shield Training
Constables Leadership College Module III
ALERRT Level 1
Constables Leadership College Module II
Distracted Driving Law Enforcement
Selective Traffic Enforcement
Constables Leadership College Module I
Courtroom Testimony
Demonstration and Crowd Management
Social Media for Law Enforcement
Community Policing & Problem Solving
Advanced Human Trafficking
Defensive & Distracted Driving for Law Enforcement
News Media and the Police
Positional Asphyxia, ExD, & Restraints
Less Lethal Techniques
Secondary Employment & Off-Duty Powers
Exigent Circumstances
Freedom of Speech Enforcement
Juveniles in Custody
Police Access to Private Property
Child Safety Check Alert List (Advanced)
Child Safety Check Alert List (Intermediate)
Mentally Ill Response
Cultural Challenges Among Genders
Hostage & Barricaded Suspects
Active Shooter Response
Cultural Challenges Among Generations
Leadership in Law Enforcement
Civil Issues Facing Street Officers
Spanish for Law Enforcement (Intermediate)
Spanish for Telecommunicators (Intermediate)
Basic Firearms Safety
Knife Tactics and Safety
Finding Wellness-Building a Healthier Life
Cultural Diversity Web with Exercises
Online Cultural Diversity (Intermediate)
Communication Skills 1
Constitutional Policing
Informed Response - Sexual Assault/Violence
88th Session State and Federal Law Update
ALERRT Level 1
Traffic Law
Community Policing Strategies
Workplace Bullying
Basics of Civil Process
Accident Investigations
Traffic Law
Body Worn Camera
Sexual Assault
Below 100
Less Lethal Impact Weapons
87th Session State and Federal Law Update
Background Investigations -general
Certified Crime Prevention Specialist
Crime Prevention Environmental Design CPTED
Crime Prevention II
Stop Stick
Crime Prevention In-Service
Narcotics/Dangerous Drug Investigations
Sovereign Citizens
Crime Prevention I
School Resource and Security Officer
Vehicle (Traffic) Stops
Field Sobriety Testing
Naloxone: What You Need to Know
Court Security Officer Certification
Human Trafficking
Eyewitness Evidence/Identification
Hazardous Materials
Human Remains Identification
Civil Process
Ballistic Shield Training
Less Lethal Electronic Control
Marine Safety Enforcement Officer
De-escalation Techniques
Law Enforcement Driving Safety School
School Resource and Security Officer
Basics of Civil Process
Crisis Communications Telecommunicator Intermediate
The Telecommunicator and Stress (Online)
Online Cultural Diversity (Intermediate)
Civilian Interaction Training
Online Human Trafficking
84th Legislative Session Legal Update (Online)
Federal Law Update 85th Legislative Session Legal Update
Missing and Exploited Children
Canine Encounters (Intermediate/Advanced)
Interacting with Drivers Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Terrorism & Homeland Security (General)
TCIC/NCIC for Less than Full Access Operators
Use of Force (Intermediate)
83rd Legislative Session Legal Update
Sexual Assault Web
Family Violence Web
Child Abuse
Sex Offender Characteristics Web
82nd Session State and Federal Law Update
Child Abuse Prevention and Investigation (Intermediate)
2109 Spanish for Law Enforcement (Intermediate)
Spanish for Telecommunicators (Intermediate)
Crime Scene Investigation (Intermediate)
Arrest, Search, and Seizure (Intermediate)
Basic Instructor Course
FEMA Int. ICS Exp. Incident (Class Rm) (FEMA IS-300)
FEMA Adv ICS Command Gen Staff (FEMA IS-400)
Online Identity Theft (Intermediate)
Asset Forfeiture
Racial Profiling
Field Training Officer
New Supervisor's Course
Report Writing - general
Terrorism Awareness for Emergency First Responders
Suicide Prevention in Corrections (DE)
Amber Alert for Law Enforcement
The Crime Victim (DE)
Patrol Procedures